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Hey there guys, Angel here. My alias on youtube is MissShadowLovely. Now it’s time for you guys to help each other. [This site is not affiliated with the Official SCP Wiki.]

New users look towards agent files for a good place to start, once there you can make a character. The mods will give advice on how to have your character fit in with the others.

"Cold Day"
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    Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag


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    Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag - Page 3 Empty Re: Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag

    Post by O.W. Sun 17 Apr 2016, 19:57

    "We need to avoid engagement at all costs here Banks, a firefight in a place like this could compromise the whole OP, or at the very least set us back. Time is of the essence here, every second we waste is one the Insurgency or GOC can use to swipe this object right out from under our noses," Reed emphasized the urgency of time as best he could, knowing his squad mates other objective. Reed pressed himself against the brick wall of the building to his left, watching the group of men walk by slowly, yelling loudly in Spanish. The senior agent felt his breathing slow as he tried to stay as still as possible so that he could slip by the group unnoticed. As the last man slipped past his view, he crept up the wall and peeked around the corner, watching the group make a hard right down another street. "Banks, hostiles have moved on, let's move up the street to the intersection about 30 meters away and get our bearings, over." Reed began to move quickly to the aforementioned intersection, scanning his surroundings for any sign of armed assailants. kneeling near a light post, Reed removes his GPS from his pocket and waiting for it to update, making sure to connect to the secure link with Overwatch to receive up to date information with the drones in the sky as well as information relayed from the other ground units.

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    Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag - Page 3 Empty Re: Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag

    Post by Zorua Thu 28 Apr 2016, 16:43

    Banks pulls himself up, coming out from behind the trashcan, heading in the direction of the intersection.  The hazy smoke in the air left the lingering scents of burning wood and gasoline.  Taking a single glance back over his shoulder, Steven checks making sure the men from before are really gone.  Satisfied that they are, he whips his head back around walking quickly to the meetup spot.  Rolling his shoulders he glances out of the alleyway, looking for the green smoke.  Taking off towards it, he glance to Reed from the corner of his eye.
    Lola Nova
    Lola Nova

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    Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag - Page 3 Empty Re: Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag

    Post by Lola Nova Thu 28 Apr 2016, 17:43

    When Abbot asked about the cylinder, McHarvy looked back knowing it was already in one of her pockets. He stopped and looked straight into Abbot's eyes and said seriously, "If you start feeling strange in anyway at all, tell me. I can't have another Tabbert on my hands."
    McHarvy turned and went down the stairs, checking and clearing corners as they went along.
    "Tabbert was guarding the kitchen knife with me and another guard, Heartford, I think. Anyways, the mimetic properties got to Tabbert," He explained as they went down the stairs. "I had to put him down and secure the knife."
    They finally made it to the street. He starts stalking two doors to the east until they made it to through the empty store overwatch was talking about.
    "Are you feeling ok?" he asks Abbot.
    Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag - Page 3 461-43
    "Cold Day"

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    Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag - Page 3 Empty Re: Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag

    Post by "Cold Day" Fri 29 Apr 2016, 08:08

    Abbot struggles to keep her composure as the ginger greenhorn continued to lecture her of the procedures and protocol she had spent years learning before him. She follows him, holding back a string of obscenities and rude remarks as they move to the safe haven.
    Even with the armor and supply she had on her, her movement was not impacted as much. She works hard to keep her body in it’s best shape, but this only highlights another gripe she had with the tyro leading her around.
    "Are you feeling ok?"
    “You know what? I’m Feelin’ just fuckin’ fine.” She says, tone heavy with sarcasm. “I’m fine having you fuckin’ Guype around while I fuckin’..” She sighs, wanting to say more but realizing it’s not gonna get them anywhere. She sighs, putting a hand on his shoulder and giving him eyes that could pierce tungsten. “Calm down. This is an op. Stop treating it like you’re having a go at paintball.” She takes her hand off. “Nearly having 40,000 Canaries, you’ve got me…”

    Posts : 138
    Join date : 2013-02-04
    Age : 32

    Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag - Page 3 Empty Re: Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag

    Post by Mozy Sat 30 Apr 2016, 13:07

    A message is sent from overwatch with Haven speaking " You have traveled half a kilometer in thirteen minuets. You are on schedule, there are still some unknowns in the area. The military is positioned at 1.5 km away when you reach the infuential district, more middle class but they border where the rich live, The military are interspaced throughout the neighborhood. there are military patrolles in that area which are increasesd due to firefights with hostile units, it is not known who the enemies are based on the radio communications of the army, your radio will have the capability to connect into the army frequencies at **.** . The storm is ahead of schedules wind should pick up in an hour,although not to much to prevent extraction. It seems there are civilians and unknown dissadants around the extraction point, at this point it is 1.5 km to reach that point. "
    ((OOC: Tired work in 45 minuets, I plan to clean this up when I am returned on monday, thanks for understanding. You can work with the jist of what is there.))

    Posts : 337
    Join date : 2012-05-11
    Age : 26
    Location : in the pit, fighting

    Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag - Page 3 Empty Re: Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag

    Post by O.W. Tue 31 May 2016, 22:10

    The GPS lights up following the message from Overwatch, Showing the distance to the Mansion housing the object of interest as well as the troop movements going along the roads. Reed pocketed the device after a moment of studying it. The senior agent looked at Banks as he takes off towards the green smoke, following after him to make sure he doesn't get hurt. 'Typical fuckin' Banks, running off into a fight he doesn't know he can handle alone.' Reed was lucky to have gotten his hands on Banks' agent file, considering all of the restrictions and black lines all over the agent's history. Reed grabbed his radio and spoke into it, "Banks, slow the ████ down. You don't know what you're running into."

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    Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag - Page 3 Empty Re: Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag

    Post by Zorua Tue 28 Jun 2016, 10:50

    Banks slows himself down, a scowl evident on his face. Why no, he didn’t know what he was running into and that’s what bothered him. The group he had been tracking had done well to cover their tracks, and his informants in the other groups of interest held whispers that the foundation weren’t the only ones dealing with this shit. If the thief got away, the only physical lead they had would vanish. None of this was Reed’s fault he reminded himself, it’s not like the man was trying to interrupt his op. Scanning the horizon Banks once more looked for hostiles.
    Lola Nova
    Lola Nova

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    Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag - Page 3 Empty Re: Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag

    Post by Lola Nova Wed 29 Jun 2016, 14:33

    McHarvy stopped when Abbot took his shoulder. He glared at Abbot when the word 'paintball' breached her mouth. He looked disgusted. He could have sworn they were going to have a moment when she touched his shoulder, but who was he kidding. This was a mission. There were no words left for him to reply with, so he stalked onwards to the location they are meant to be without a sound.

    They quietly snuck up to the back of a mansion.

    "Overwatch, we have arrived at the destination," he reported in.

    He could feel sweat drip down the back of his neck as he looked through the fence at the garden.
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    "Cold Day"

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    Age : 41
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    Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag - Page 3 Empty Re: Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag

    Post by "Cold Day" Fri 01 Jul 2016, 14:44

    Abbot almost felt bad for the kid… Almost. If anything, She believed that McHarvy deserved that quick kick to the gonads for being a nuisance to her, no matter how slight. Cold Day moves behind him, savoring the silence and finally feeling the kid’s understanding kick in. She kept her Light Machine Gun close to the ground as she mirrors the newbie’s knack for stealth despite her abundance of obtrusive gear. She looked at how McHarvy conducted himself after her scolding and was somewhat impressed with how he would move and act when finally concentrating.
    Abbot then turns her back to McHarvy, serving as lookout while he calls into Overwatch. Her earpiece sparks to life as Command replies with a considerably different response than she was expecting. “1.5 Kilometers…” She mutters, beginning to look around much more carefully as she urges for the Ginger to lower his head further. In usual practice, the fact that the military was twenty minutes away was a good thing. Enough time to prepare or enter the building at their leisure. Response wouldn’t be too quick either. However, to Abbot, this only meant that any unconfirmed guns were only being funneled closer to the Area of Operation. “Looks like we’re in for a real barney…” She said, voice low as the clatter of rubber on floor began to approach.

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    Age : 32

    Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag - Page 3 Empty Re: Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag

    Post by Mozy Sat 02 Jul 2016, 16:48

    Haven who is at HQ, checked in with the team managing the drones and had them do a head count of the people moving in and out of the mansion that McHarvey was positioned near.  The response was that other than a few looters there had been no activity in the mansion. Haven messaged the team "Things have been quiet around that area as far as we could see with drones there have been a few looters through. We don't know what is in there or what it does, what we know is there re people after it other than us, proceed with caution. THe drones are being downed soon due to high wind. Reed the extraction team is in location the team has secured the means of extraction and the location. You are going to have to switch to only radio communication. You can contact the extraction team and give commands. Reed you have full operational control from this moment on. Make it home safe, next time I hear from you you'll be on your way back."

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    Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag - Page 3 Empty Re: Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag

    Post by O.W. Thu 07 Jul 2016, 22:03

    Reed looked at Banks for a moment, thinking about his next words very carefully, having been given full control of the operation from Overwatch. "Banks, I know you need to go get your guy, but I wanted Overwatch off the air before you started. From this moment until we regroup at the evac point, everything you do is off the record and will be redact in any reports release following the completion of this Operation." Reed looked up the road after saying this, spotting the mansion less than two blocks away. He felt the light drizzle of rain begin to fall upon him. He began moving up the street, weapon still held up incase he had any unexpected run ins with one of the many hostile units still moving within the city. "Attention to all agents in the area of Operation, Make your way to the villa at the top of the hill and await my command as I make my approach."

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    Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag - Page 3 Empty Re: Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag

    Post by Zorua Fri 08 Jul 2016, 18:57

    Banks glances at the lead agent, giving him a slight nod. Feeling the light rain beat against his head, Steven rushed up the street. Watching the shadows to keeping watch for hostiles. Being taken off guard now would not be a good thing for anybody. A sudden sound sent Banks withdrawing back into the shadows. A group of foundation agents rushed past him making their way to the mansion. Taking a second the level four agent took a moment to confirm that his target wasn’t among them.
    Once the group had passed, Banks continued down the alley that they had just passed from. The green smoke was coming from two alley’s over. Assuming the target hadn’t moved that was his goal, if the rogue agent was gone… well he’d cross that bridge when he came to it.
    Lola Nova
    Lola Nova

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    Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag - Page 3 Empty Re: Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag

    Post by Lola Nova Tue 26 Jul 2016, 19:56

    McHarvy was still looking through the fence when he saw some figures in the window. The figures seemed to be talking and handing gifts(?) to one of the figures. McHarvy quickly pushed himself away from the fence and looked at Abbott. He had heard the instructions over his earpiece and knew they were the first ones to arrive. Not wanting to just wait there with his thumb up his bum, he turns to her and suggests that they move across the street so they won’t be seen until reinforcements arrive. He thought this was a good plan until he heard the whirring of an old security camera right above them. Before he moved he tapped Abbott’s shoulder and pointed upwards. Luckily they had walked into its blind spot but who knows how long that luck will hold out.
    “Reed. The villa has cameras and we are stuck in one of their blind spots. Do we have permission to take them out?” He radios over.
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    "Cold Day"

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    Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag - Page 3 Empty Re: Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag

    Post by "Cold Day" Wed 10 Aug 2016, 18:16

    “Alright, I’ll admit. Nice catch.” Abbott whispers, shrugging casually as she presses herself against the wall to make sure she was not in the line of sight of the camera. Her breathing slows as she begins to assess the situation. They were caught in a box, the walls made up of enemy surveillance, incoming looters and the possibly delicate nature of the objective. “Overwatch, It’s Abbott. Harv’ and I’ve noticed movement in the villa. Like he’s said, we’ve got enemy eyes here. Any suggestion as to how we won’t be royally fucked in the next few seconds?” She keeps her finger on the call button, intending to speak a little more before shouting and gunfire approach at a rate unexpected by the estimations. The radio catches the noise as she quickly stows it and begins looking at the angling of the camera. “Kid, back to the wall like you’ve got a bad dose. Cam’s fucked.” She begins moving along the wall, camera to high to catch the both of them if they stick close to the dilapidated brick.

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    Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag - Page 3 Empty Re: Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag

    Post by Mozy Sun 14 Aug 2016, 18:43

    ((OOC: pass))

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    Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag - Page 3 Empty Re: Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag

    Post by O.W. Tue 03 Jan 2017, 20:33

    Reed watched Banks move up the streets, the sound of thunder rolling through the besieged city as the senior agent disappeared from sight. Hearing his radio crackle to life,Reed responded to Abbott's update, "Overwatch is offline now, all further updates differ to me, over." hearing the sounds of approaching footsteps, Reed quickly tucked himself away in an alleyway, watching several heavily armed men in unmarked uniforms move up the street, brandishing Ak-47s. Once the threat moved further away, Reed brought his radio to his lips, whispering, "All units be advised, members of a GoI are currently moving towards the mission objective. they appear to be heavily armed and equipped for capture of an anomalous entity, over."

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    Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag - Page 3 Empty Re: Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag

    Post by Zorua Tue 07 Feb 2017, 10:12

    Banks keeps his eyes forwards, passing through the first alley with retaliative ease. Glancing down the road Steven spies another group heading his way. Pulling back he waits for them to pass, he glances over this group... there was his target. Gritting his teeth Bank's began to quietly follow the other agents. He was going to have to subdue those who weren't his target. Leveling his aim he opens fire, aiming to incapacitate and not kill. With the agents down, Steven surges forward, grabbing his target and pulling him down into an alley.
    Lola Nova
    Lola Nova

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    Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag - Page 3 Empty Re: Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag

    Post by Lola Nova Wed 15 Feb 2017, 19:50

    McHarvy shoves his back against the brick wall. He places his thumb on the call button to place a call to Reed.
    "We're already here," he hisses into the radio, "If we move in, GoI can't do anything, can they?" He casts a glance to Abbott for reassurance as he goes on with his idea. "Abbott and I can move in quietly, and scout out the situation until reinforcements come and we can capture this thing. Just give us the word Reed."
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    "Cold Day"

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    Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag - Page 3 Empty Re: Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag

    Post by "Cold Day" Sat 18 Feb 2017, 17:52

    "What fuckin' universe do you live in where you think I can go in quietly?" Abbott narrows her eyes and gestures to the heavy equipment she has on her person. She presses the receiver of her radio and talks the rest of her disagreement through. "It'd be better if we were to go in and hold out. A firefight is the last thing we want but if it's the CI, they won't be coming in arseways like the GOC are. We can secure the item and they won't be acting the maggot enough to cause harm it until you all arrive. If it's the GOC, we have to go in. This isn't a joint and they'll gun for the item first."

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    Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag - Page 3 Empty Re: Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag

    Post by Zorua Thu 17 May 2018, 15:42

    (I'm sorry I haven't had the time to reply, my computer has been having issues the last couple of days.)
    Steven takes out a gun and shoots the man in the head.
    (I would right more but my phone is dying.)

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    Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag - Page 3 Empty Re: Area of Operation for Operation Grab Bag

    Post by O.W. Thu 01 Jul 2021, 20:29

    (Really sorry for not responding guys, I got locked out of my account and just got back in, hope you are all doing well!)

    Reed looked at Banks with a 'what the ████ bro?' kinda look.
    (sorry I am driving through a tunnel right now I'll post more when I get on the other side.)

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