All characters must be original. No one can make a new account for senior staff, or SCP of any kind unless they can prove they are THE original author. SCP can’t have their own profile, but you are welcome to use them as long as they are in character, according to the wiki file.
Places Foundation members are not recruited from:
- From a high school or secondary school
-Sorry kid. I know you’ve spent your entire life as part of the Church of Broken God, battling and capturing various creatures and humans to be ceremoniously sacrificed, and defected to the Foundation to escape your own inevitable demise, but you just not qualified to be an agent/researcher. Do you even have your associates degree? Go back to school kid.
Speaking of Age, one of our big issues in the past was powerful people being extremely young. Just a show of hands, who would be pissed off if after 6 or so years of college, 5+ years working at a site, some emotional 16 year old becomes your boss?
This is why I have made a little formula to help you all choose the ‘correct’ age for your character:
18+(The amount of time it takes to get your degree)+(The amount of time it takes to get to the position you have/want)= Character’s Age
For Security Guards and Agents, it’s assumed that they’ll have a bachelor's degree, but it is ok if you substitute that time with the amount of time the have served in whatever military they served for. For Doctors, you’d obviously have to get a doctorate, which is about eight years, plus time working on internships and such.If you can give me a convincing argument on how this character is qualified for the job with a high schooler's age, your in.
-Already recruited Foundation members can be affected by experiments, and have irreversible physical and/or psychological damage due to said experiments, but no one can be recruited because of being in said experiment.-It is ok for them to be recruited as a result of an incident, but not an experiment.
If you want something that doesn't fit these parameters (ie: you want to have an anomaly or something different) you may talk to the mods and we can figure something out.
Character Template
(Feel free to add anything that you feel is need for your character)
Clearance Level:
Job Description:
Physical characteristics
Body Build:
Bio: (When, How, and Why your character was recruited. What special skills does your character possess? Just make sure it makes sense. Check the Wiki for more ideas.)
Last edited by Lola Nova on Tue 05 Jul 2016, 20:47; edited 4 times in total